Sunday, April 30, 2017


Hey Everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well and had a great last two weeks. I am sorry that I did not post last week. It was a very busy week and I did not have a lot of free time to write.  

I do not know about anyone else but I am ready to start a new week.  You know what I love about a new week? I love that I get to start over. Last week does not matter any more. It does not matter if I ate something I should not have or missed a workout or two. I get to start with a clean slate today and set new weekly goals.

I have a tense to slack on the exercise part of this journey. I know when I do not get some type of exercise in I am only hurting myself and my journey will take longer. So my goal this week is to walk three times and get in three 30 minutes workouts.  I know that this is something that I can do because I have done it in the weeks past.  New week, I can do this!  

This past week I was able to get into a pair of the button jeans that I use to wear all the time.  I have not be able to wear these jeans for almost three years. I have also removed 18 pounds from my body.  I am so excited!!!  Not much more to go and I will be able to get a new outfit. WOOT WOOT ha ha could I have smiled in the before pic.

My husband and I tried these Thai Turkey burgers. I did use chicken instead of turkey. I did have to use a little extra bread crumbs. We really liked these burgers and they will be great from time to time to mix things up. I did get this recipe from one of the 5 day challenge that I join with another beachbody coach.

Thai Turkey Burgers

Turkey Burgers, 20 oz. ground turkey,
1/4 cup chopped green onion,
1 egg lightly beaten,
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro,
1⁄2 cup bread crumbs (optional),
1 clove garlic, peeled and minced,
1 inch fresh ginger, peeled and minced,
1 teaspoon salt,
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper,
1 tsp. sriracha or red curry paste(optional)

1. In a large bowl, mix ground turkey, bread crumbs (optional), green onion, egg, cilantro, ginger, garlic, salt, pepper, and optional hot sauce or curry. Form into 5 patties.

If you have any questions about the program I am doing or need someone to talk with I am here for you.  Please Email Me alos find me on  Facebook or instagram @jgweightloss. 

I hope this new week treats you with kindness and you remember to love yourself.

With a grateful heart,

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Right Path

Well Hello There,

This week I am having a little trouble writing this blog. I am not sure how to start or what to say .  

The week had me hopping a little bit. When I left working every night just so tired and I would tell myself on my way to the car that when I get home I am doing nothing. Resting my back would be the best thing I could do for myself.  I stuck with this mindset the first night and did nothing when I got home. I felt guilty to start and then I just felt yucky because I did nothing.  Funny thing come night two I was just as tired and had the same mindset as the night before. There was a change happen around the halfway point to home. A song came on the radio from the 70s that had me dancing in my seat. Yes, I was the crazy person dancing in the car and did not care who saw me. I was able to replay the song and listened to it all the way home and danced the whole time. I pulled into my driveway and sprang out of my car feeling great. My back was not hurting like it was just a half hour before and I could not just sit at home and do nothing.  I changed my shoes, kissed my husband as I walked by him and headed out the door on a walk. This was the moment that changed my week.

I am always amazed at how something so little as a song can make big changes in someone's life.  That feel good moment that can last hours and days if you allow it.  This also showed me that just because I started the week off on the wrong path does not mean the week had to stay on that path. I was able to let it go and move forward. It was a new day and this was all I had at that moment. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't here but right now I can do this.

I mentioned last week that I bought myself a gift to celebrate removing 10 pounds from my body. It arrived and I LOVE it. I got a MyIntent bracelet with the words Love Love on it. One Love to remind myself to love myself not matter what. The second Love to remind myself to show other people I love them. It's all comes down to LOVE.

My week really way busy so I was not able to try any new recipes but I will have one for you next week. I am going to try making a Thai chicken burger. Man it sounds so good to me.

I hope you have a beautiful week full of love.

With a grateful heart,


Monday, April 10, 2017

Week 2 of the 21 Day Fix

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had an amazing week of feeling great and hitting the goals that you wanted to.  This past week for me has not been all that great. I can say that it was all my own fault.

Even having a great week the week before somehow I fell into a little depression and self doubt. I started wondering why I was doing this and was it worth it. For some reason it took me the whole week to snap out of it and I'm not sure if I am 100% out of it.  

This past week my back kept me in pain all the time which means I did not get any exercise done.  There was days when I could barely walk and I felt guilty for not working out.  I was just so mad that I was not able to do the small tasks without major pain. I hated having to ask for help for something little like bending over to pick up the lid I dropped.  I just wanted this past week to be like the week before where I walked one day and did a 30 minute workout the next day.  I really hope that by removing this extra weight from body that the pain will start to go away. I know it will take a while but really I want it now.

Ok, enough bitching about my back! I am thrilled to say that I kept pretty tight on food. Most mornings I was fixing myself those banana pancakes for myself. Then one day I started to add a little oatmeal to the batter which made them a little more filling.

1 banana
1 egg
¼ cup oatmeal
Some cinnamon to taste.
Cook like you would normal pancakes.

Even though this past week hasn't been the best I do have some exciting news to share. I have been on the 21day Fix for 14 days now and I have lost 10 pounds!!! Woot woot I am so excited I have already ordered my reward gift to myself.  Once I receive it I will share a photo of it and why I pick this item.  

I hope you have a brilliant new week. Remember it's only one minute at a time and the last minute doesn't matter anymore.


If you have any question about anything please Email me. You can also find my day to day in two places FaceBook and on Instagram at @jgweightloss

Sunday, April 2, 2017

First days of new program

Hey Everyone,

As some of you already know I have joined the Beachbody family.  I am really excited about this new journey in my life. I know with the help of the support team I have and my own strength I can make great changes in my life for the better.  

This is my first week of my 21 days Fix. Eating a clean diet and 30 minutes of exercise a day. This is not going to be easy but I am all in. I got my weight and measurements all recorded along with before photos taken.  I am really excited to do this and cannot wait to see what happens.

Day 1 - I have to say that this morning everything started off great and I was excited for this new journey. I had breakfast and a few hours later I had my chocolate Shakeology followed by lunch a few hours later. Now this is where the day food wise went into the toilet literally. I have not been able to keep anything down the rest of the day or night. No food and nothing to drunk for over 10 hours now. I did not get any type of exercise in because I feel like crap. What a way to start off a new program. All I can say is tomorrow will be better and I'm going to be starving when I wake up.

Day 2 - I was right I woke up starving this morning. I made my breakfast and it stayed down woot woot. After my morning snack my tummy started feeling icky and I was hungry all day. I finally started eating again late afternoon. I walked a little over a mile today. I'm super excited about that. I'm not going to lie my hips are screaming at me.  I really hope they get use to this walking business soon. I'm thinking about doing a 30 day ab challenge. I will try it and see if my back is ready for something like that.

Day 3 - it is the magical day 3 and I'm still excited. Today has been the best day so far. Food stayed down but I didn't get to eat all the food I should have.  I am so proud of myself I did my first 21 day fix upper body workout. I made it through the whole 30 minutes. I did stop a time or two and I could not do the second plank but that is ok. One day soon I will beast mood through this workout. I didn't get my steps in today mostly because I did not take a walk and when I worked out I watched the video on my phone. I use an app on my phone to count my steps. I am so looking forward to tomorrow.

Day 4 - I have to say I am very surprised when I woke up this morning, I was not sore from yesterday's workout. I thought for sure this was going to be a day of me whining because everything hurts. So the soreness did catch up to me after I got home from work and went out on a walk. I am not joking when I say good 85% of my body hurt. OMG my butt hurt, what the heck! Really who's butt hurts? I discovered this pain when I went out on my walk this evening. I am happy to report that I finally got my steps in for the first time this week. Woot woot!!! Tomorrow I do a leg workout. I think I discover that I am not a fan of honey.

Day 5 - Today was a good day. I did my first lower body workout. It was really hard for me. I knees did not like it at all. Because of my knees and lower back I was only able to complete about half of the workout. At first I was upset by this because I didn't completely the workout and I could not do the exercise like they should have been done. Then I started thinking about it and I am proud of myself for doing that half of workout and trying each exercise. I may not have finished but I gave it my all. Today I did more than yesterday and way more then last week. Today was a great day.

Day 6 - I am not going to lie I woke up this morning and my whole body was in PAIN. It hurts to wiggle my little toe. I have figured out that Almond milk makes me sick. So back to the almond coconut blend milk. Today was wonderful to be home and cook a healthy dinner for my family.  I am taking this day as a day of rest from exercise as my body needs a rest.  Tomorrow I'll be hitting it hard.  What a magical time it is.

I have to say that I really though craving wise this week would be a lot harder. I had a few cravings for something sweet but it did not last long. The Shakeology is really helping with the cravings just as I was told it would. Woot woot.  I have gone all week with pop, sweets and junk food. I am very proud of myself and I do not feel like I have been missing out on anything. It has been a little rough as there are many people who live in my house and they are not joining me in the health journey. They are still eating whatever they want. Blueberry muffins (my favorite) were brought into my house along with croissants and ice cream. I did not even have a bite of any of it. Did I want it? hell yes but my health is worth more than that stuff.

I am happy to report that in only 6 days of being on this program I have loss 4 pounds. Woot woot

Have a beautiful week everyone

~ Julie
If you have any questions about the program I am on pleases feel to Email me or if you would like to start the program please follow this link to Beachbody

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Exciting New Week

Well Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone has had a great week. This has been a crazy busy week for me. I am tired as heck but I made it through it.  I can not say my food has been on point the whole time but I did not go off the deep end.

I have to say that I am feeling pretty good about the decisions I made this in moving my weight removal journey forward.  I am hoping the be able to share all the detail in my blog. I am so excited about this I just wait to share.  

Today after I got off work I was tired but I noticed the sun was still out and it gave me a little energy so I went out on a walk for the first time in years.  It really felt good to be out there walking and breathing in the fresh air. I walked about half a mile for the first time. I do not think that is to bad and it is a start.  We all have to start someone where even if it is only half a block.

My aunt joined me on my walk today. She has bad knees and may have to have them replaced. She walked using a walker and she made it about half a block before she had to sit down and then return home.  I am crazy proud of her so getting out there and starting.  She wants to feel better and lose a little weight.

I am 4 pounds away from my first goal of 10 pounds. I cannot wait to meet that goal as I have already found what I am going to reward myself with. I am get a bracelet that says LOVE on it. Why the word love because I want to see something that shows me that I do love myself as much as I love other people.

Because this week has been so busy I did not get to try any new recipes. I will make sure I have something next week. I love trying new foods.

You all have s happy and fun week. Do not forget to move.  

Oh I almost forgot I have started a new FaceBook page called Jules Fitness
Don't forget you call also follow me on Instagram as well @jgweightloss or Email me

Until next week,

Sunday, March 12, 2017

What have I been doing????

Hey All,

This has been a week of up and down for me. I have been crazy busy this week and I am not making the time I should have for me and working out. It will all get back to normal soon.

Today when I was at work I started thinking about what I am or am not doing.  I thought about the results I have gotten and if my whole heart was in or not in this journey. I discovered that my whole heart is not in this. If my heart is not in this then what am I doing? Why am I wasting my time and other people time?  Then some how I felt a fire spark in me and my whole heart is in it. I do want to change my insides and out.  This spark feels amazing.

I noticed that I have come up with a lot of excuses why I cannot do something or eat something. I am done with excuses!!!  Why can’t I try something and see how it feels or if my tummy can handle it. I need to build a team that will help me find the right way to do this. I need someone who will help me what the food part and someone who can help me with the excise. I need help!

I am so tired of not living my life and sitting on the side lines.  I am tired of worrying if I go somewhere if there will be wide seats or armless chairs. Omg what if I have to sit on the floor? That is all bad. I worry about walking in some place where there is a crowed of people and everyone looking at the fat girl. STOP! I do not want these worries or cares any more. I want my freedom back. I need my freedom!  

With this said I am in whole heart to take back my life.

Have a great week everyone,

Follow day to day on Instagram at @jgweightloss

Sunday, March 5, 2017

New Game Plan

Hey All,

I hope you all had a great week. It has not been my best week.  This past week has been a little hard for me. I did not post a video nor have I posted on Instagram as much. I have to find a way to get my body to catch up with my mind.

This week I was hit with a big reminder that my body cannot do what my mind wants it to do at this time. My mind wants me to do a full workout and go to the gym. At this point in time my lower back will not allow it. I want to go on walks but my back says nope. The pain in my back was so bad this week that I saw no hope for anything. Because of this I fell into a depression for most of the week.  I really thought if I cannot do what I really need to do to remove weight then what's the point of doing any of it.  I was not watching my food or water intake. Once I hit this very low point I was ready to give up in a lot of things in my life.  I asked angels to help me see what I am missing so I may move forward. Then one morning when I woke up my back did not hurt as much and I did not feel so hopeless. Noticing this change I quickly made a new game plan and started to move forward again.  New game plan is to start with a little yoga and only do as much as I can. I have to remember not to beat myself up because I did not do as much as I thought I should have.  One day at a time will make big changes in the long run.   I am so happy that I am going in the direction once again.

Yesterday afternoon I had a little victory for myself. I was at the grocery store and I was getting really hungry. I picked up a Naked protein shake to drink. I was so proud of myself because I did not by a candy bar or bag of chips to eat on the way home.  It is the little things that help me move forward.

I did find time in the kitchen again. I made a chicken broccoli stir fry for dinner one night this week.  Made up some rice to go with it and everyone loved it. I am sure I will be making this again. I found this recipe on Facebook and shared the recipe below. I did not eat the rice because I have to pick if I am going to eat protein or the other stuff. My stomach can only fit one or the other in it at a time.

If you have any questions please feel free to Email or you can follow my day to day on instagram at @jgweightloss

You all have a great week,

Chicken Broccoli Mushroom Stir Fry

1 pound chicken breast, cubed
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
1 pound broccoli florets
8 ounces mushrooms, sliced
3 tablespoons oil for frying
For the sauce:
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon ginger, minced
2 teaspoons sesame oil
⅓ cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 cup chicken broth
¼ cup flour

1. In a large pan, on medium-high heat, add 1 tablespoon of oil. Once the oil is hot, add chicken, season with salt and pepper, and sauté until cooked through and browned.
2. Remove cooked chicken from pan and set aside.
3. In the same pan, heat 1 tablespoon of oil and add mushrooms. When the mushrooms start to soften, add broccoli florets and stir-fry until the broccoli is tender. Remove cooked mushrooms and broccoli from the pan and set aside.
4. Add 1 tablespoon of oil to the pan and sauté garlic and ginger until fragrant. Add the remaining sauce ingredients and stir until smooth.
5. Return the chicken and vegetables to the saucy pan; stir until heated through.
6. Serve with hot rice or noodles.
7. Enjoy!
Inspired by: Natasha's Kitchen