Sunday, April 2, 2017

First days of new program

Hey Everyone,

As some of you already know I have joined the Beachbody family.  I am really excited about this new journey in my life. I know with the help of the support team I have and my own strength I can make great changes in my life for the better.  

This is my first week of my 21 days Fix. Eating a clean diet and 30 minutes of exercise a day. This is not going to be easy but I am all in. I got my weight and measurements all recorded along with before photos taken.  I am really excited to do this and cannot wait to see what happens.

Day 1 - I have to say that this morning everything started off great and I was excited for this new journey. I had breakfast and a few hours later I had my chocolate Shakeology followed by lunch a few hours later. Now this is where the day food wise went into the toilet literally. I have not been able to keep anything down the rest of the day or night. No food and nothing to drunk for over 10 hours now. I did not get any type of exercise in because I feel like crap. What a way to start off a new program. All I can say is tomorrow will be better and I'm going to be starving when I wake up.

Day 2 - I was right I woke up starving this morning. I made my breakfast and it stayed down woot woot. After my morning snack my tummy started feeling icky and I was hungry all day. I finally started eating again late afternoon. I walked a little over a mile today. I'm super excited about that. I'm not going to lie my hips are screaming at me.  I really hope they get use to this walking business soon. I'm thinking about doing a 30 day ab challenge. I will try it and see if my back is ready for something like that.

Day 3 - it is the magical day 3 and I'm still excited. Today has been the best day so far. Food stayed down but I didn't get to eat all the food I should have.  I am so proud of myself I did my first 21 day fix upper body workout. I made it through the whole 30 minutes. I did stop a time or two and I could not do the second plank but that is ok. One day soon I will beast mood through this workout. I didn't get my steps in today mostly because I did not take a walk and when I worked out I watched the video on my phone. I use an app on my phone to count my steps. I am so looking forward to tomorrow.

Day 4 - I have to say I am very surprised when I woke up this morning, I was not sore from yesterday's workout. I thought for sure this was going to be a day of me whining because everything hurts. So the soreness did catch up to me after I got home from work and went out on a walk. I am not joking when I say good 85% of my body hurt. OMG my butt hurt, what the heck! Really who's butt hurts? I discovered this pain when I went out on my walk this evening. I am happy to report that I finally got my steps in for the first time this week. Woot woot!!! Tomorrow I do a leg workout. I think I discover that I am not a fan of honey.

Day 5 - Today was a good day. I did my first lower body workout. It was really hard for me. I knees did not like it at all. Because of my knees and lower back I was only able to complete about half of the workout. At first I was upset by this because I didn't completely the workout and I could not do the exercise like they should have been done. Then I started thinking about it and I am proud of myself for doing that half of workout and trying each exercise. I may not have finished but I gave it my all. Today I did more than yesterday and way more then last week. Today was a great day.

Day 6 - I am not going to lie I woke up this morning and my whole body was in PAIN. It hurts to wiggle my little toe. I have figured out that Almond milk makes me sick. So back to the almond coconut blend milk. Today was wonderful to be home and cook a healthy dinner for my family.  I am taking this day as a day of rest from exercise as my body needs a rest.  Tomorrow I'll be hitting it hard.  What a magical time it is.

I have to say that I really though craving wise this week would be a lot harder. I had a few cravings for something sweet but it did not last long. The Shakeology is really helping with the cravings just as I was told it would. Woot woot.  I have gone all week with pop, sweets and junk food. I am very proud of myself and I do not feel like I have been missing out on anything. It has been a little rough as there are many people who live in my house and they are not joining me in the health journey. They are still eating whatever they want. Blueberry muffins (my favorite) were brought into my house along with croissants and ice cream. I did not even have a bite of any of it. Did I want it? hell yes but my health is worth more than that stuff.

I am happy to report that in only 6 days of being on this program I have loss 4 pounds. Woot woot

Have a beautiful week everyone

~ Julie
If you have any questions about the program I am on pleases feel to Email me or if you would like to start the program please follow this link to Beachbody

1 comment:

  1. I'd say my first round of the 21 day fix a couple years ago, had me hurting for 5 days!! I literally couldn't walk. I definitely recommend taking an amino acid if shakeology isn't providing enough support for your muscles that are rebuilding and burning fat. Every time, I restart the program, I am sore sore sore. So proud of you and all you are accomplishing. :-) Happy to be on your journey with you. You got this!! :-)
