Monday, April 10, 2017

Week 2 of the 21 Day Fix

Hi Everyone,

I hope you had an amazing week of feeling great and hitting the goals that you wanted to.  This past week for me has not been all that great. I can say that it was all my own fault.

Even having a great week the week before somehow I fell into a little depression and self doubt. I started wondering why I was doing this and was it worth it. For some reason it took me the whole week to snap out of it and I'm not sure if I am 100% out of it.  

This past week my back kept me in pain all the time which means I did not get any exercise done.  There was days when I could barely walk and I felt guilty for not working out.  I was just so mad that I was not able to do the small tasks without major pain. I hated having to ask for help for something little like bending over to pick up the lid I dropped.  I just wanted this past week to be like the week before where I walked one day and did a 30 minute workout the next day.  I really hope that by removing this extra weight from body that the pain will start to go away. I know it will take a while but really I want it now.

Ok, enough bitching about my back! I am thrilled to say that I kept pretty tight on food. Most mornings I was fixing myself those banana pancakes for myself. Then one day I started to add a little oatmeal to the batter which made them a little more filling.

1 banana
1 egg
¼ cup oatmeal
Some cinnamon to taste.
Cook like you would normal pancakes.

Even though this past week hasn't been the best I do have some exciting news to share. I have been on the 21day Fix for 14 days now and I have lost 10 pounds!!! Woot woot I am so excited I have already ordered my reward gift to myself.  Once I receive it I will share a photo of it and why I pick this item.  

I hope you have a brilliant new week. Remember it's only one minute at a time and the last minute doesn't matter anymore.


If you have any question about anything please Email me. You can also find my day to day in two places FaceBook and on Instagram at @jgweightloss

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