Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Right Path

Well Hello There,

This week I am having a little trouble writing this blog. I am not sure how to start or what to say .  

The week had me hopping a little bit. When I left working every night just so tired and I would tell myself on my way to the car that when I get home I am doing nothing. Resting my back would be the best thing I could do for myself.  I stuck with this mindset the first night and did nothing when I got home. I felt guilty to start and then I just felt yucky because I did nothing.  Funny thing come night two I was just as tired and had the same mindset as the night before. There was a change happen around the halfway point to home. A song came on the radio from the 70s that had me dancing in my seat. Yes, I was the crazy person dancing in the car and did not care who saw me. I was able to replay the song and listened to it all the way home and danced the whole time. I pulled into my driveway and sprang out of my car feeling great. My back was not hurting like it was just a half hour before and I could not just sit at home and do nothing.  I changed my shoes, kissed my husband as I walked by him and headed out the door on a walk. This was the moment that changed my week.

I am always amazed at how something so little as a song can make big changes in someone's life.  That feel good moment that can last hours and days if you allow it.  This also showed me that just because I started the week off on the wrong path does not mean the week had to stay on that path. I was able to let it go and move forward. It was a new day and this was all I had at that moment. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn't here but right now I can do this.

I mentioned last week that I bought myself a gift to celebrate removing 10 pounds from my body. It arrived and I LOVE it. I got a MyIntent bracelet with the words Love Love on it. One Love to remind myself to love myself not matter what. The second Love to remind myself to show other people I love them. It's all comes down to LOVE.

My week really way busy so I was not able to try any new recipes but I will have one for you next week. I am going to try making a Thai chicken burger. Man it sounds so good to me.

I hope you have a beautiful week full of love.

With a grateful heart,



  1. Thank you for writing this Julie! I am noticing that too about what is around us and how it can change our thoughts and the pattern of our lives. What do you think would happen if we ONLY surround ourselves with positivity or that of the "GREAT" song lists?
    Sounds like we need a dance party!

    1. I do agree with you. Maybe we can make a great play list to share with people.
