Sunday, March 19, 2017

Exciting New Week

Well Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone has had a great week. This has been a crazy busy week for me. I am tired as heck but I made it through it.  I can not say my food has been on point the whole time but I did not go off the deep end.

I have to say that I am feeling pretty good about the decisions I made this in moving my weight removal journey forward.  I am hoping the be able to share all the detail in my blog. I am so excited about this I just wait to share.  

Today after I got off work I was tired but I noticed the sun was still out and it gave me a little energy so I went out on a walk for the first time in years.  It really felt good to be out there walking and breathing in the fresh air. I walked about half a mile for the first time. I do not think that is to bad and it is a start.  We all have to start someone where even if it is only half a block.

My aunt joined me on my walk today. She has bad knees and may have to have them replaced. She walked using a walker and she made it about half a block before she had to sit down and then return home.  I am crazy proud of her so getting out there and starting.  She wants to feel better and lose a little weight.

I am 4 pounds away from my first goal of 10 pounds. I cannot wait to meet that goal as I have already found what I am going to reward myself with. I am get a bracelet that says LOVE on it. Why the word love because I want to see something that shows me that I do love myself as much as I love other people.

Because this week has been so busy I did not get to try any new recipes. I will make sure I have something next week. I love trying new foods.

You all have s happy and fun week. Do not forget to move.  

Oh I almost forgot I have started a new FaceBook page called Jules Fitness
Don't forget you call also follow me on Instagram as well @jgweightloss or Email me

Until next week,

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