Sunday, February 26, 2017

A Week of misses

Hey Everyone,

Well another week has gone by and I feel like I could have been better.  I feel that in some ways I sabotage myself. I did not pack a lunch a couple of days and ate out. There was no reason why I did not pack myself a lunch other than I was lazy. I did not get enough sleep this week. I have been more worried about other people than myself this past week.

With all of that said it reminds me of that old saying “You are no good to anyone else if you don't take care of yourself”. That saying is so true for me these days. I can not help my family the way I should if I do not take care of myself.  Trying to put more energy into another person than myself is not smart on my part. I get to feeling run down and then I start to feel lazy or make dumb decisions. This is not a new habit for me, oh no I have been doing this for years. It is time to make that change and take care of myself. This is not going to be an easy change for me at all. All I can do is my best to try to make this change.

The days that I did take a lunch this week I really liked the salads that I packed. I had some salad green from a bag with some olives, a little cheese and shredded chicken.  I had cooked a whole chicken and then shredded the whole thing for salads and whatever else came to mine. I want to do more stuff like that. It made making lunch easier.  It also helped me to get some protein in every day.

Now here is the million dollar question. How do you get and stay motivated?  I find that I am motivated for a day or two and then I am lazy again.  I'm thinking that the days I start to get lazy I have to remind myself to really look deep inside of me and find the motivation at the bottom and pull it back up.  I have to remind myself that I can do this.  I have to remind myself that I AM WORTH it.

If you have missed and want to see the YouTube videos I have made You can find them HERE
or Email  me any time

I hope you all have a great week!

This week I didn't follow a recipe I allow my instincts to take over. I made a apple pork chops with baked potatoes. The family loved it.

Pork Chops -
put all the chops in a baking dish and heated the oven at 350 degrees.
seasoned the pork chops with a little salt, pepper, onion powder and cinnamon.
Placed sliced apples all over each chop.

Bake for 45 cover
Remove cover and bake 15 minutes.

Baked potatoes after they were done I sliced them open and added cottage cheese on top. No butter or anything else ( I always eat my baked potatoes this way).

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